
   「Caring for the Needy Children Uganda




代表ナッスーナ・ジョアンとゴベロ村の子どもたち/ Nassuuna Joan, representative of CNCU, and children in Gobero(2017)
代表ナッスーナ・ジョアンとゴベロ村の子どもたち/ Nassuuna Joan, representative of CNCU, and children in Gobero(2017)

CARING FOR THE NEEDY CHILDREN UGANDA (CNCU) is a non-profit making a community-based organization founded directly to improve or put a positive impact on a child’s welfare in the community.
CNCU was established on 20th December 2015, as a Community Based Organization. The organization is based in Nansana, Wakiso District.

The sole purpose of the organization is to serve children from vulnerable families and single mothers in Wakiso District. Currently, we are looking after 52 children between the age of 3 to 15 years old.
CNCU is just not simply an organization for those forgotten, orphaned, abused, abandoned and hungry children but a place where the character is nurtured and hope is given to these children.

We espouse the fact that;

Providing for the needy children is the soul of a society as it passes from one generation to another.

It’s also the focus of CNCU, and it remains one of our goals to remain true to the fact that quality and affordable access to basic needs for the children is more than a luxury; it is a responsibility that the society owes to itself.